Increasing Violence
- A Concern For Schools |
- Violence in our schools - The growing threat
- Violence in our society has been redefined
as normal
- Changes in families and communities
Preventing Violence and Developing
Positive Behaviour |
- What do we know about our students?
- Understanding risk factors and protective
- Assessing needs and identifying roles
- Committing to becoming a 'Safe and Caring
A Schoolwide Approach to Creating
a Safe School |
- Creating guiding values, principles and practices
- Establishing a clear school-wide discipline
- Involving all stakeholders (staff, students
and parents)
Understanding and Resolving Conflicts
Peacefully |
- The value of conflict
- Destructive and constructive conflicts
- Understanding the bullying phenomena
- Teaching and learning conflict resolution
Strategies For Teachers |
- Creating a safe classroom for learning
- Establishing clearly defined behavioural limits
- Utilizing effective teaching strategies
- Using the curriculum to reduce violence
- Mediating conflicts among students
Teaching Students Alternatives
to Violence |
- Teaching anger management strategies
- Teaching problem solving
- Using a peer mediation program
Additional Options for Creating
Safe Schools |
- Involving parents and families
- Involving the police and community agencies