Classroom Management
- New Challenges for Educators |
- Changes in society, students and teachers
- Understanding our personal beliefs about discipline
- Discipline - a working definition
- Why students misbehave
Making Safety a Priority! |
- Creating a classroom environment that is safe
for everyone
- How fear and threat decrease the brain's ability
to learn
- Dealing with serious safety violations in
the classroom
- Safety rules - understanding school and school
board policy
Creating a Classroom Management
Structure That Works |
- Classroom management: The Goldilocks syndrome
- The importance of having high expectations
for student behaviour and academic performance
- Defining clear limits - clear rules
- Stopping power struggles before they begin
Prevention - The Key to Effective
Classroom Management |
- Creating effective classroom meetings
- Teaching conflict resolution and problem solving
- Moral Intelligence - respect and responsibility
- The need for everyone to experience success
Positive Discipline in the Classroom |
- Natural and logical consequences
- Effective use of 'Time Outs'
- Using behaviour contracts with students
- Helping students with ADHD, FAS or other learning
Seeking Support |
- Self-nurturance and stress reduction techniques
- The role of the school administrator
- Seeking support from colleagues
- Involving parents and community agencies