Emotional Intelligence
(E.Q.) New Research - New Insights |
- What is Emotional Intelligence?
- Understanding the E.Q. research
- Why E.Q.? - Why Now?
- The difference between I.Q. and E.Q.
- Measuring E.Q.
Understanding How The Brain Learns |
- The chemistry of emotions
- Emotions as mind-body states
- Emotions, learning and memory
Social-Emotional Education |
- The relationship between emotions and self-esteem
- Encouraging empathy and caring
- Teaching students respect and responsibility
- Teaching students pro-social skills
Emotions and Behaviour |
- Brain development and behaviour
- Managing strong emotions (anger, fear, anxiety)
- The relationship between emotions and motivation
- Teaching 'Learned Optimism' strategies to
Developing Emotional Intelligence
in Classrooms |
- Developing a safe and caring classroom environment
- Instructional methods that enhance social-emotional
- Creating effective 'habits of mind'
- Using E.Q. strategies with behavioural problems
Implementing Social - Emotional
Programs Schoolwide |
- Assessing the needs in your school
- Identifying how E.Q. fits with the school's
- Finding effective social-emotional materials
and resources
- Involving all staff members