Providing Powerful Educational Seminars, Training Programs and Resources for Parents, Professionals, Schools, Communities and the Corporate Workplace
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Personal Development
Personal Development
Leading edge workshops and seminars to empower your mind, body and spirit to live with purpose, courage and success in a rapidly changing world.
The Power of Resiliency™ Workshop  2 ½ Days
Highly successful people have discovered unique strategies to achieve important goals and navigate life’s inevitable ups and downs. Unfortunately, the majority of people are not aware of these strategies, and remain blocked from achieving the health, abundance and success that they desire.

Ground-breaking research by social scientists has recently identified the key components of resiliency - the unique beliefs, attitudes and life skills that are essential for overcoming personal adversity. The Seven Keys to Resiliency® will provide new knowledge and skills to dramatically increase your ability to effectively manage stress, adapt to rapid change and bounce back quickly from setbacks.

In this life-changing seminar you will learn to harness the power of your inner resiliency and create the networks of support needed to achieve true success and fulfillment.
You will learn how to:
  • Utilize the Seven Keys to Resiliency® to empower your life.
  • Manage stress and live successfully in a rapidly changing world.
  • Use the power of your mind to create positive beliefs and attitudes.
  • Increase your Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
  • Utilize your eight Multiple Intelligences (MI).
  • Create strong, healthy relationships.
  • Develop Moral Intelligence to live right in the world.
  • Create an exciting, positive and hopeful future.
  • Develop the personal leadership skills of courage and wisdom.
Power of Resiliency Brochure ( 551 KB )
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