Leading edge workshops and seminars to empower your
mind, body and spirit to live with purpose, courage
and success in a rapidly changing world. |
The latest research from quantum physics
confirms what the sages, philosophers and great teachers
have known for centuries; the human mind, when combined
with focused intention and strong desire, has the unlimited
ability to create a new physical reality.
To harness this awesome power, we must first understand
the power of thoughts and beliefs and the dynamics of
how the mind works. Of critical importance is acquiring
the ability to effectively manage the conscious mind and
learning how to accurately program the subconscious mind.
Using information, tools and techniques from quantum physics,
cognitive psychology, neuro-linguistic programming and
centuries of ancient wisdom, this seminar will teach you
how to become the master of your mind! |
You will learn about:
- The holistic and quantum nature of the mind.
- The astounding power of your thoughts.
- The dynamic relationship between thoughts and feelings.
- How language impacts our physical, psychological
and emotional states.
- Using the ABC model to replace negative thinking
with learned optimism.
- Programming your sub-conscious mind to achieve
everything you want in life.
- Acquiring true peace of mind.