Leading edge workshops and seminars to empower your
mind, body and spirit to live with purpose, courage
and success in a rapidly changing world. |
Did you know that your brain has the same
potential as Albert Einstein’s? Most people are
far more intelligent and capable than they have been conditioned
to believe by parents, teachers and other members of society.
Many adults only attribute creativity and genius to artists,
scientists and inventors, and yet each of us is endowed
with special gifts and unique talents.
Dr. Howard Gardner’s research at Harvard University
has proven that we have at least eight different kinds
of intelligences, yet sadly, many people fail to tap into
their true potential. Anyone can learn to think like a
genius when provided with the proper tools and a safe,
encouraging climate. You will learn how to change faulty
beliefs and release negative feelings that may be blocking
your creativity and higher intelligences.
This powerful seminar will provide you with a unique opportunity
to discover, understand and utilize your creative genius!
You will learn:
- Why I.Q. tests are not accurate measures of your
- Why creative thinkers are highly valued in the
- How to identify, enhance and expand your Multiple
Intelligences (M.I.).
- How to use your Emotional Intelligence (E.Q.) for
motivation and creativity.
- How Accelerated Learning techniques can increase
your productivity.
- How to program your sub-conscious mind to solve
problems and create new ideas.
- Why your Spiritual Intelligence (S.I.) may be the
ultimate source of genius.