Leading edge workshops and seminars to empower your
mind, body and spirit to live with purpose, courage
and success in a rapidly changing world. |
Can you truly regain health, happiness
and personal power after experiencing a serious illness,
a personal trauma, or stressful life events such as the
loss of a job or the death of a loved one? The answer
is yes!
Drawing from the latest scientific research on resiliency
building, this seminar will confirm that complete recovery
and healing is possible. You will learn the role of the
mind and spirit as master healers, and effective ways
in which you can regain control of your life after experiencing
In this seminar, you will learn powerful new strategies
to access your inner resilience and enable you to heal
yourself and assist others in their healing journey. |
You will learn:
- The amazing findings from 35 years of scientific
research on resiliency.
- How trauma affects our body, mind, emotions and
- About your inner resilience and how to begin reclaiming
your personal power.
- How the Seven Keys to Resiliency® can empower
your life.
- How to avoid the Dance of Doom by changing your
negative beliefs and actions.
- About the healing journey and moving from surviving
to thriving.
- How to successfully heal yourself and help others
heal their lives.