Building the Moral Intelligence of our
children and teens is of critical importance if they
are going to thrive in a rapidly changing world. Our
young people are now living in a high-tech, multi-cultural,
pluralistic society, and they are expected to make appropriate
moral choices and decisions each day. Too often, parents
assume that moral behaviour develops naturally but this
is a serious misconception. The pervasive influence
of television and movies, music, the Internet, video
games and other forms of media are presenting serious
new challenges for our children and teens. Most people
involved with kids today, such as parents, teachers,
lawmakers, doctors and mental health professionals,
agree that there is a growing problem with youth violence,
substance abuse, dishonesty, disrespect for authority
and inappropriate sexual behaviour at younger ages.
Parents work hard to ensure that their children remain
safe and healthy, receive a good education and participate
in school and community activities. However, young people
must also have the ability to think and act morally.
Research indicates that the influence of many of our
traditional systems for teaching children moral values
and building good character, such as homes, schools,
religious institutions and the community are in decline.
Toxic influences and messages are coming at our children
from a variety of sources. Enhancing children’s
moral intelligence is our best hope for developing the
traits of good character and ethical behaviour that
will last them a lifetime.
This valuable workshop will provide parents and other
concerned adults with practical, step-by-step strategies
for developing the moral intelligence of children and
teens. The information and concepts you will learn are
based upon the research of leading experts in the moral
development of children. Developing the moral intelligence
of the young takes time, commitment and patience. However,
it is one of the greatest gifts of love and empowerment
that you can ever give your child. |