During the past ten years, resiliency researchers
from around the world have identified the internal and
external protective factors needed to overcome personal
adversity and thrive during times of rapid technological,
social and economic change. Chris B. Rush founded the
Resiliency Institute in order to use these important findings
to develop and offer resiliency building training programs,
seminars and educational materials for children and adults.
These state of the art programs, seminars and materials
enable all people to discover the power of resiliency
and achieve health, well-being and success.
The Resiliency Institute was incorporated in 1997 in
Vernon, British Columbia, Canada and concurrently in
Seattle, Washington, USA. The Institute’s head
office is located in Vernon, British Columbia, Canada,
with regional offices located in Vancouver, B.C. and
Bellingham, Washington, USA. The Resiliency Institute
now has a growing number of professional associates
and organizations across Canada and the United States
who are aligned with our Mission and Vision. |